
Chariny Herring, DO
Medical Director, Founder
Child and Adult Psychiatrist

Dear patient,

I wanted to take a moment to remind you of some important factors that can help ensure a successful telemedicine encounter with your healthcare provider. By keeping these key elements in mind, you can make the most out of your virtual visit and receive the high-quality care you deserve.

Thank you for taking the time to review this information. As always, we remain committed to delivering exceptional care to you and your loved ones, whether in person or via telemedicine.


Best regards,

Dr. Herring

Be On Time

Please sign into the virtual waiting room a few minutes prior to your visit. Our goal is to start your visit at your scheduled time. If you are late, this creates a domino effect resulting in longer wait times for patients scheduled after you.

If you are more than 7 minutes late for a 20 minute follow up appointment or more than 10 minutes late for a new patient appointment we will need to reschedule your appointment to stay on time for the next patient.
*No show fees may apply.

*Government sponsored health plans are not subject to no-show fees.

Equipment and WiFi

A strong WiFi connection is essential. Checking that your laptop, tablet, or smartphone has functional audio-and video ahead of your visit will allow you to communicate easily and clearly with your provider.

You may find that headphones with a built-in microphone can be helpful in optimizing your hearing.

To be sure your provider can see you, adjust your camera so your face is visible, not the ceiling.

Our staff are available for test calls prior to your appointment, just reach out and let us know.

Find a Quiet Place

Sign in for your virtual visit where you have no outside distractions. This will ensure communication is clear and concise. You should be seated and in a well-lit room.

If you are using a smartphone, set your phone to Do Not Disturb to be sure your session is not disconnected


Do not call in for your appointment while you are:

  • Driving
  • Walking or running 
  • Shopping
  • Outdoors in a windy area

Vitals are Vital

Certain medications and or diagnosis need vital sign checks.

If your provider has indicated the need for vital signs, please have these ready before you sign in. This typically includes height, weight, blood pressure and pulse. Relatively inexpensive blood pressure cuffs are available from Amazon or Walmart. A tape measure and a standard bathroom scale will work for your height and weight.

A Minor Detail

If you are the parent or guardian of a minor child, you must be present and available during the appointment.

We may need to reschedule your visit if you are not present.

Also, if your child has an appointment, be sure they are present too! *Government sponsored health plans are not subject to no-show fees.